Sunday, 20 February 2011

Play with Toby (from 3rd grade)

Places in the school.

Play with Rodney (from 3rd grade)

School objects1
School objects2
e body
The house

Learning English (from 3rd grade)

Here you can practise and learn about different topics.
Aquí podreu practicar i aprendre sobre diferents temes.

Numbers (from 3rd grade)

Play a memory game with numbers.
Juga un memory de números.

Listen to the numbers and follow the path.
Escolta els números i segueix el camí.

Write the numbers and help the turtles to reach the other bank.
Escriu els números i ajuda a les tortugues a arribar a l'altra vorera.

The idiot test (from 3rd grade)

Follow the instructions to do the test.
Segueix les instruccions per fer el test.

The days of the week (from 2nd grade)

Put the days in order and you'll see a story.
Ordena els dies i veuràs una història.

Help Tom get ready for bed. Put the days into the correct order.
Ajuda en Tom a preparar-se per anar al llit. Has d'ordenar els dies.

Mouseclock (from 4th grade)

If you get right the time, you can feed the mouse. If not, watch out the cat!
Si encertes l'hora, podràs donar de menjar al ratolí. Si no, alerta amb el moix.

Friday, 18 February 2011

Gingerbread Men

Gingerbread Men are typical biscuits from Britain. Here's an easy recipe that you can make with your parents' help. Click on the link.

Els Gingerbread Men són unes galletes de gingebre típiques d'Anglaterra. Aquí teniu una senzilla recepta que podeu fer amb l'ajuda dels vostres pares. Clicau damunt l'enllaç.

Thursday, 17 February 2011

Draw Spongebob with MS Paint

This video shows you how to draw Spongebob with MS Paint. Have a go!