Thursday 28 April 2011

Learn with Michael Jackson

Match the kit (from 3rd grade)

What are the football players wearing? When you finish click on the "tick" and check your answers. Then move to the next level.

Què duen posat els futbolistes? En acabar clicau sobre el "tick" i comprovau les respostes. Després passau al següent nivell.

Shopping (from 4th grade)

Collect everything on your shopping list and move to the next level.

Completa la llista de la compra i passa al següent nivell.

Sunday 10 April 2011

Take that, teacher!

Hit the teachers with paper aeroplanes and get as many points as you can, but watch out! Don't hit the headmaster or you lose a life. You get a life if you hit the English teacher.

Llança avions de paper als professors i aconsegueix tants punts com puguis, però alerta! No feris al director o perdràs una vida. Aconsegueixes una vida si fers el mestre d'anglès.

Questions (from 3rd grade)

Put the words in the correct order to ask some questions. Don't forget to write a comment to tell your score.

Ordena les paraules per demanar algunes preguntes. No oblideu escriure un comentari per dir la vostra puntuació.